Main company focus.

Our company, Multi Griffe S.r.l., producing transfer labels, is giving priority and focus to satisfy customers requirements (expressed and unexpressed) when operating main activities of design, production and trading of hoses, fittings and components for low, medium, high and very high pressure.
To get such satisfaction is main indicator to pursue our Quality policy.

Kind of market.

Our Company is operating on international market level, both for sales (international customers) and sourcing (long term cooperation with major companies of our field).

Main keys of a success.

For our Company Multi Griffe S.r.l. these are main keys to have success on our market:

  • Product quality, in compliance with customers requirements
  • Company and organization flexibility to satisfy customer requests concerning leadtime, production capacity and skills to manage customized products.
  • To be able to provide customers with competitive pricing
  • To improve and constantly improve our company know how
  • To understand market evolution and tendences
  • To be quick and reliable with technical proposals and offers.
  • To be able to provide support for software integration and data management
  • Raw material’s Research and Development to satisfy client’s requests


To get such targets, our Company must:

  • to operate in a structured and systemic way, creating a cooperative crew
  • to keep under control performance indicators fixing clear targets, updating them according to company strategies
  • to manufacture a product in compliance with customers requirements
  • to grant availability of human resources and infrastructure
  • to enhance with updated tools a better productivity of process to improve it
  • to improve and foster crew members, checking their training and motivating them on continuous improvement and enhancement of their know how
  • to pursue a real and longlasting cooperation with customers and suppliers, in order to share key know-how
  • to improve products with real evaluations and testing
  • to respect all mandatory requirements
  • to list all interested parts, evaluating their requirements and satisfying them.

Furthermore, it’s very important to enhance work health and safety conditions and environment respect. Such target can be reached with laws respect and continuous process improvement.

Operative choice.

In this way, we choose to state, keep, archive and realize a Quality System according to our and customers wishes.

It will be our job:

  • to identify and investigate processes and quality critical areas
  • to identify, evaluate and apply solutions to quality problems found
  • to verify that solutions are effective
  • to check that corrections to unacceptable conditions are applied
  • to foresee and design actions to prevent risks and get opportunities
  • to fix targets of quality improvement, normally on year basis, in coerence with Quality Policy. Targets must be measurable by QM by related performace indicators (listing them on Management Review) an correctly planned
  • to evaluate satisfaction level of Customers and related parts

Interested functions.

It will be our task and duty to provide to all crew members practical and theorical tools in order to achieve company targets.

Function Quality Management has duty to ensure that all requirements of any official documents are updated and on line with current version.

Management is ruling on functions and their activities, according to Quality Management System.

Management periodically check Quality System to be sure about effectiveness and update; such check are reported in a Management Review.

Duration terms.

This policy doesn’t have any duration or deadline but is supported by a continuous effort. We know that it’s always possible to improve bot products and services offered on the market.
